
Appointments available Monday to Friday at Arana Hills or online

  • Frequency and duration

    Typically, appointments are weekly or fortnightly for a course of treatment, depending on your needs. I aim to offer people a regular day and time every 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks to suit their therapeutic goals. Sessions are 50 minutes in duration.

  • Fees

    My current fee is $210 per standard appointment for clients seeing me in person or via telehealth (Medicare or private paying).

  • Referrals and rebates

    People can see me without a referral. However, you may be eligible for a Medicare rebate ($96.65 per session) for up to 10 sessions per year if you have a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) from your GP or psychiatrist. They can send this to me via secure fax on (07) 3523 5978 or via Medical Objects.


If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, I would appreciate as much notice as possible. I reserve your scheduled appointment time just for you, and it is difficult to fill a cancelled appointment at short notice.

A non-attendance fee equal to the full session fee is charged for non-attendance or cancelling within 1 hour of the session time. A late cancellation fee of $110 is charged for cancellations with between 1 and 24 hours notice.