I’m Adele O’Hare, an educational and developmental psychologist who appreciates both the diversity and the commonality of the human condition. I enjoy doing attachment-based psychotherapy with a wide range of people, and they tend to feel welcome and at ease in my presence.

I am a mother to two girls, and before becoming a psychologist I worked in journalism and public policy. In my spare time I like to practise yoga, immerse myself in a good novel, dabble in singing, ukulele and piano, and go on long walks while listening to psychotherapy podcasts. I am a nature lover with only the most basic of gardening skills, and I can’t do without my morning double shot flat white. My pronouns are she/her.

Headshot of smiling white woman with brown eyes, brown hair cut in a long bob, and a teal top, in front of a green and leafy background..

The nature of being human is that we all have the same underlying needs: a secure base from which to learn and explore the world, and a safe haven to welcome us back in, even when we’re not feeling okay.

We need to know, deep down, that we can be our authentic selves and still be loved. That we matter.

It is part of the human condition that we each experience some form of struggle, longing, loss and insecurity in our lives. I bring a trauma-informed, contextual, systems perspective to mental health, informed by my postgraduate training in educational and developmental psychology. At the core of all my work is the Circle of Security framework for building attachment security, and I also draw on psychodynamic psychotherapy, internal family systems (IFS), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), interpersonal psychotherapy, mentalising interventions, and The Work that Reconnects.

  • The night sky with purple haze, clouds and stars.

    What I can help with

    I am trained in psychology across the lifespan, and now focus on attachment-based psychotherapy with adults. I have a particular interest in transitions between life stages, such as emerging into adulthood, becoming a parent, and adult relationship and role transitions. People see me for help with perinatal depression and anxiety, challenges in parenting their children, relationship difficulties, identity struggles, burnout and stress, and grief and loss. I also work with relational trauma, childhood emotional neglect, and family of origin issues.

  • A bright red and orange tree in autumn.

    Outside of my scope

    I do not take on new clients under 18 years of age. I do not conduct assessments for ADHD, autism or learning difficulties (however, I am trained in working with these presentations and regularly support people in understanding their neurodivergence and/or navigating the assessment process). Please note that Being Human Psychotherapy does not conduct assessments for court purposes or prepare medico-legal reports.

  • Many hands all holding onto the horizontal trunk of a tree.

    Other areas of interest

    I enjoy supporting fellow psychologists, doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, social workers, and counsellors with the challenges of sustaining the role of helper amid the other aspects of being human. I also have a particular interest in helping women experiencing depression and anxiety in the perinatal period. As well, I am able to hold space with courage and compassion when people are experiencing distress and grief related to climate change, biodiversity loss, and other systemic and existential challenges.

Adele O’Hare

Qualifications, Accreditations and Professional Memberships